
Fiction contributed by iFretNot users and admin.

The Lighting of the Candle

  • Posted on: 1 March 2012
  • By: sherwood

Candt Lesarion stood alone on the hillock, a stoic expression on his face, the mantra he used for meditation running through his head. Despite the raging chaos below him, a kind of serenity seemed to inhabit the small space above the hillock. A breeze even dared blow, banishing the smoke and sound of screaming men for a brief moment.

I, Ptolemus

  • Posted on: 17 February 2012
  • By: sherwood

Though I could not swallow, the day was no more dry than any other and my secret no less so. I am alone in this hostile desert, though I find shade in my new companions. The Director has a keen eye for talent, and I believe we have hit a rich vein indeed. Though I am careful, I believe my Cell knows I am a user of the arcane and apparently, there are no objections. This is important if we are to work together as a unit.