Habitations & Settlements

From shanty-towns, big cities and towers in the middle of nowhere to caves and dungeons inhabited by crazed experimenting wizards the places where entities have set up shop are the concern of this tab.


  • Posted on: 19 February 2012
  • By: sherwood

They're a little strange up there. They deal with savages. Why, half of them are savages!

Olais is a small fishing village at the mouth of the Niphrain river in northwest Enchera. The Niphrain river holds a slow current and allows for upriver travel via boat. The Niphra tribe lives off the river and has taught their knowledge of its course to a handful of wily captains who now charge a hefty fee for cargo distribution.


  • Posted on: 30 December 2011
  • By: sherwood

In the West of Etden, Enchera is largely unpopulated containing only two cities of size: Cappeon and Frementd. Locally, the town of Lurais on the western coast has been making waves ever since refugees from the continent of Resque appeared and began working towards expanding it. Enchera has a good mixture of flora, both exotic and domestic that give them a good basis for trading; spices and herbs. Recently, active arcamide veins have been discovered near the town of Lurais, further adding to its fame.